How many barriers do you create when it comes to health and fitness?
Ive heard it all before. I've heard every single excuse you can think for people putting off being healthier and working more on a healthier lifestyle and their fitness. Here are some of the classics:
#1 - "I've got not time to exercise"
#2 - "I don't like the gym"
#3 - "I don't have the facilities near me"
#4 - "I don't have the energy to train early in the day"
#5 - "I have no support from my family/friends"
#6 - "I have too much travel this month"
#7 - "Lets wait until after Chinese new year" (in November)
You may have even said one of these before yourselves. I know I've been guilty of #1 in the past and maybe a bit of #4 at times. Lets quickly run through these (excuses) one by one and offer a quick and practical solutions for each:
Barrier 1: Lack of time.
In the past, when someone has used this excuse, I immediately think of one question "What time do you wake each morning?". For most people, the time between you wake and go to work each day is the best opportunity to exercise and work on yourself. Getting up earlier with energy means going to bed at the right time. Its a big lifestyle change but ive seen it change a lot of people lives, Habits and waistlines
SOLUTION 1: Wake up earlier

Is your waking time preventing you from being more consistent with activity?
Barrier 2: Disliking 'the gym'
It must be really tough to be consistent going to the gym to exercise when you really don't like it. Here's an idea... don't go. Find some other activity that you like to do, chances are you'll stick to it and do more of it. Some good examples:
- Dance classes
- Outdoor bootcamps
- Dragon boating / on water rowing
- Road cycling
- Hiking (hills and mountain when possible)
SOLUTION 2: Find an activity you love to do

Barrier 3: No facilities near you
Okay, so you have no training facilities near your home or work or anywhere in between? If I get past believing that the answer here is to create your own training environment at home. The fitness world has changed and now online training/coaching options have become somewhat the norm for the fitness industry with literally 100s of online options to choose from. You can buy basic and inexpensive training kit and start immediately in the comfort of your own home. Now its on your own time and at your own place.
SOLUTION 3: Create a training environment at home
Barrier 4: No energy early in the day

To answer this simply, you need to try to get better sleeping habits. Sleep (and sleep quality) is a very complicated subject and will never be solved by one piece of advice. Most people will struggle to get to bed at a decent hour because they have an evening ritual that does not promote tiredness. Here is a sleep hygiene checklist, try to incorporate some/all of these below and see what works:
- Lighting lowered/off after sunset
- Have screen shutdown time 1-2 hours before bed time
- Take a hot shower
- Stretch or use foam roller
- Read a book in bed for 15-20mins before sleeping
- Use Magnesium, tablet or topical gel
- Drink chamomile tea
- Buy blackout curtains, create your "Bat-cave"
A lot of these work great by themselves and if they are stacked as new sleep rituals habits, you can really feel the difference. Give some of the a try.
SOLUTION 4: Improve your sleep ritual
Thats the first 4 Barriers, do you struggle with any of them or even better have you conquered them with Amazing habits and consistent behaviours?
In the next Part I will be looking at 3 more fitness barriers and provide simple and effective solutions for each. Have a great week ahead.
Stay Healthy,