There are lots of different ways to get your daily exercise. From training alone at home, using an app to using a trainer at a gym - everyone has their favourite ‘fix’. Today's short post is on group classes and more specifically the numerous benefits you can get from training as a group.
1. Motivation
Lacking motivation to train by yourself? Many people get inspiration and motivation by being surrounded by like-minded people on the same journey. With a professional and encouraging instructor, a class can become a great place to push your efforts beyond what you would try alone. Group fitness is a fantastic way to help motivate yourself and others to dig deeper and push harder in workouts.

Great instructors are always great motivators
2. Structure
A great class should be well planned and structured to accommodate all ability levels. Each class should include a warm-up, work phase and a cool-down. The purpose of the warm-up is to raise your heart rate, mobilising your joints and activating movements in preparation for strenuous activity. The instructor should coach you through each segment of the workout, demonstrating and explaining when necessary. The cool-down is usually 3-5mins and will help you safely lower your heart rate and stretch all the major muscles worked during class.
Any reputable instructor will thoroughly plan their sessions to be both safe and effective. All the attendees need to do is turn up with a smile on your face, listen to instructions and commit to pushing yourself!

Group sessions should be meticulously planned to run smoothly
3. Correct form / Technique
The goal of group training is to train as many people (safely) as possible at the same time. This should NEVER be at the expense of technique. The best instructors will always blend the need for a class to flow with half an eye on an individuals’ abilities to perform an exercise correctly. "Smaller" group classes of around 6-12 people work best as the instructor can keep an eye on the majority of the crowd at all times so any incorrect technique can be identified and corrected as it happens.
In some cases where an individual has inadequate mobility, fitness and/or Pain with basic movements during a class, a group setting may not always be the best idea for certain people and may need to consider a more tailored approach to training with a personal trainer.

Training in a group setting should never be at the expense of correct exercise technique
4. Variety
“Variety is the spice of life” as they say… Its also an important aspect of why people choose to use group training as their main source of exercise. Having a variety of classes in your weekly workout regimen is a great way to keep your mind (and body) engaged and ensures people are always coming back for more.
When building a weekly schedule consisting of mostly classes, making sure that your overall workload is balanced. For example:
Usual training week = 2 x strength training
Ideal class to add = 1 x yoga, 1 x HIIT
Usual training week = 3 x HIIT
Ideal class to add = 1 x stretch, 2 x mobility/yoga
NOTE: These are just rough examples around an assumed training balance, not recommendations.
5. Accountability
Some people have world class habits around health and fitness. They prioritise their training
and very little gets in the way of that schedule. Most of us (especially if you work long hours and are a busy parent) aren't so regimented and may need some extra accountability to turn up and put the work. This can be a good thing for your training progress and consistency. Find a friend that will support you and make them your “fitness accountability partner”.
“Accountability accelerates your fitness performance once you are accountable to a group of people or just an individual, you engage the power of social expectations and get things done”.

Choose your training partners wisely
6. Fun
For long term fitness programmes to be successful, there needs to be an element of enjoyment involved. Group fitness classes are a great way to add fun and engagement in the your weekly schedule. Add in some upbeat music, a well planned workout and a like-minded group of people motivating each other along the way and it's an enjoyable way to exercise. If your fitness efforts have gone a little stale and want to add something new into your fitness schedule, group classes may be just what you need.

Thanks for reading. Later this week I will be asking our Head of programming, Alyssa Kau (pictured above) about the classes she has included on Mandala Clubs brand new group class schedule. This is a really exciting few weeks for our new Wellness department as we open up our brand new space for members.
If you have any comments or questions on the information above, please share in the comments section and we can start a discussion.
Stay strong and healthy,