This week I sat down with our new head of programming for group classes - Alyssa Kau to talk about what our members can expect from the new class schedule. This will be part of the relaunch of the new Mandala Club (previously Straits Clan).
Our new classes are almost ready to launch
Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience in the fitness industry.
My name is Alyssa and I head the Group Fitness Programme at the Mandala Club. I’ve been a fitness instructor for about 4 years. I’ve always been very athletic growing up, training as a gymnast and a cheerleader - until I broke both my arms! (haha). It was during a group class later on in life where I rediscovered my passion for fitness.
I started teaching barre at one of Singapore’s top barre studios while studying for my law degree. It was then I realised I much preferred teaching fitness to practicing law. I went on to become a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer and have been teaching across studios in Singapore and Australia ever since.
I am always looking for ways to expand my knowledge and skill set - I am currently undergoing the following teacher trainings to be:
Pre/post natal certified with Yoga Alliance
Mat pilates certified with Pilates Academy International
You've joined Mandala club recently, What are you most looking to in your new role?
I’m looking forward to meeting all the members and growing the team with Nate. We are super excited about the programme we’ve created and we can’t wait to share it with everyone.
What is your training style and what should we expect from your classes?
My training style is fun, energetic and technique focused. I like to push people hard but not at the expense of technique and risk of injury.
During my sabbatical year, I chased winters and taught skiing and yoga across ski resorts in Europe, Australia and Japan. As I was skiing almost everyday, I realised the importance of recovery and mobility - both of which are essential elements in all my classes. Our wellness programme incorporates Accelerate and Decelerate styles of training which will definitely ensure a balanced training regime.
"Decelerate" style of training is very important to our overall schedule balance
Will Mandala Club have a signature class?
Our signature class is Power 45 and it blends my love for fitness and yoga- 2 styles which I feel are very popular and work really well together. Power 45 is a yoga practice that weaves intense bursts of yoga-inspired exercises into a traditional flow to leave you feeling stronger and more energised.
What types of classes are on the schedule?
Yoga: Power, Vinyasa and Recovery
Fitness: Shred, Build, Core and Mobility
What is the difference between a mobility class and a yoga class?
Our mobility classes are specifically targeted to improve movement for functional performance. For example- working specifically on ankles and hips to improve squat and lunge technique. It is a closer look at the joints and a more narrowed approach to corrective strategies used to improve general movement and functional patterns in everyday life.
Most long term injuries come from ignoring the importance of mobility work
How many classes will you be running a day?
Our initial schedule will start with 2 premium classes (45 minutes) per day at the following time slots:
9am - Monday to Saturday
6pm - Monday and Wednesday
We w be running 3 hours of classes on Saturday from 9am to 12pm. The number of classes will increase with demand until we have around 20 per week that are hopefully well attended and popular.
Will you still be running free lunchtime classes?
Yes the initial schedule will start with 3 free classes at 12pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Will there be any new class offerings in the future?
Of course. We definitely have plans/ideas for:
- Pre/post natal
- Mat pilates
- Circuits/Boxing
- Functional training bootcamp (TRX, Bands, Kettlebells)
We will always be looking for new and exciting offerings to keep our members engaged, active and fit.
What will be the capacity of group classes?
Considering the size of the new space and current covid restrictions we think that the optimal capacity will be 8 people.
When can we sign up?
Everyone has been working hard to get the new level 4 space ready and I think we're almost ready to go. This could happen in the next 7 days, the sooner the better to be honest as we are all going a little crazy in the office and can't wait to start doing what we do best, train our members!
For any further information on the classes above or general Mandala club enquiries, you drop me an email on
Yours in health and fitness,